Friday, February 24, 2006


I'm skipping class right now and I should be feeling naughty.... but I'm not. I'm just not in the mood for class or people.

I've had a rough couple of days with lots of tears.

I'm just so tired of everything. I'm tired of being in love with the boy who doesn't love me. I'm tired of not being with him and hanging out. I'm tired of the stupid email conversations we are having, like two strangers. I'm tired of being sad, upset and missing him so much that I think chest is going to explode. I'm tired of crying myself to sleep. I'm tired of crying full stop. I'm tired of not having him here. I'm tired of being so self-obsessed. I'm tired of having "friends" who don't call or email because they "don't know what to say to me". I'm tired of pretending I'm ok and that I'm not thinking of him. I'm tired of obsessing over his blog, MSN, facebook profile, message boards. I'm tired of being a doormat. I'm tired of thinking. I'm tired of being in California.

I'm just so tired of being so broken. I'm tired of life.


Blogger Father Bill Haymaker said...

Sometimes the memory of having loved is more painful than knowing that a relationship has ended.
I somehow dropped into your blog.
Wake up in the morning, dust yourself off, hold your head up high and remind yourself that you are loved, that you love yourself, and that you are indeed worthy. And if you can smile, even though it may hurt a bit, it will open you to others to see you better.
And if all else fails; come home! Mother England will always love you! For you will always be one of her children! :-)

10:39 AM  

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